Work and pet projects & hackathons i have participated in.


Integration of Continuous Gross Settlement


  • critical service - part of Clearing and Settlement
  • existing legacy structures
  • fault tolerance and latency

Work done:

  • new service design and architecture
  • development of new Rest client (java, resteasy)
  • business logic development / integration in existing structures (java / oracle db)
  • development of stub server (nodejs, swagger)
  • devops (docker)

Result: working successfully in production since July 2022


Personal website -

Context / goals:

  • stylish, repsonsive and fast website about me
  • create a show case for presentations
  • cloud-only solution (AWS)

Work done:

  • static website development + content (hugo, open-ai)
  • .dev domain issue solved: (google to amazon, AWS Route53)
  • https: Certificate Manager (ACM) + CloudFront
  • hosting: S3

Result: live since October 2022


Mobility Hackathon 2018

My most recent hackathon. I participated with the team of professional and experienced developers to present an app for planning guided tours in Hamburg using public transportation. Unfortunately, the repository is private but you can check project presentation and video below.



Design the Smart Mobility – ITS Hackathon Hamburg

The following hackathon was organized by Deutsche Bahn (the national railway company of Germany). During this time, Telegram messenger was rapidly growing and introduced a convenient API for chat bots. As a result we decided to develop a companion bot for DB customers. Routing was implemented by integration with DB-API. Afterwards, we implemented additional functionality such as break and incident notifications on DB trains, and a couple of entertainment features.



Mobility Hackathon 2017

The first hackathon i participated in was organized by Hamburg public transport company (HVV). Our team tried to make a prototype for underground navigating without Internet connection. We used Bluetooth beacons for spatial orientation and presented an easy to use app for interaction with the users.
